Friday, July 30, 2010

Google posting my old toll free number

Not sure where it is pulling the old phone number from.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Scattered tribe

My oldest son is going to school in the LA area at my alma mater, and right now is working in Alaska at a salmon fishery 16 hours a day to be able to pay the tuition.

My middle son just got back from a couple of weeks in Colorado, and in a few weeks will be headed off to college as a freshman in Arkansas.

My youngest son is out in Colorado now, for five weeks, working on the Crew at a really neat Christian camp with The Navigators.

CRM Consulting

The CRM Consulting venture is gaining some traction. This is an interesting business, and gives me opportunities to be involved with some very talented people in middle market businesses around the world.

Right now, I've got clients or prospects in the UK, Australia, China, India, Mexico, and even some places as far-flung and exotic as Utah.

The CRM business dovetails in nicely with the venture development transactions. Getting a small company onto a CRM and onto the cloud with their Sales and Marketing, and getting them onto the cloud with their accounting (like QB Online) contributes to transparency, which contributes to healthier working relationships in venture deals.